Maintenance recommendations

It has factually been proven that correct, regular maintenance ensures a longer vehicle life. Maintenance consists of numerous operations – oil change history is by no means vehicle maintenance history!
Based on our extensive experiences we have compiled maintenance recommendations for Audi, Volkswagen, Seat and Skoda vehicles. The recommendations are made based on „average use“ of vehicles and heavier use requires adjustments in maintenance accordingly.
The vehicle owner, not service, provides vehicle maintenance. You shall remember yourself what was done with your vehicle and when.
The recommended engine maintenance interval is 15 000 km or 1 year.
Even when the recommended maintenance interval on newer cars is 30 000 km we still recommend maintenance after every 15 000 km, given the dirtiness of roads and climate conditions in Estonia.
- Paper filters (passenger compartment and engine air filters) should be changed every time maintenance is performed. At each oil change the oil filter should be changed too.
- For petrol engines the fuel filter should be changed after every 60 000 km and in case of diesel engines every 30 000 km. Changing fuel filters every time maintenance is performed would be best.
When choosing oil, the vehicle age influences the choice as follows:
- Cars with a release date beginning with two (2000+) we recommend using special LongLife oil for all engines.
- Cars produced between 1995-2000 we recommend using regular full synthetic 5w40 engine oil.
- Cars produced prior to 1995 we recommend using semi-synthetic 10w40 engine oil which should be changed after every 10 000 km.
Automatic gearbox
We definitely recommend changing oil in all automatic gearboxes (regular automatic, Tiptronic, Multitronic and DSG) at least after every 60 000 km.
All these gearboxes require a change of oil filter together with the oil change, excl. Multitronic where the oil filter is within the gearbox (the gearbox must be dismounted for changing the oil filter).
Manual gearbox
Manual gearbox
- In the Haldex rear differential oil should be changed after every 30 000 km and the filter after every 60 000 km. We recommend changing both the oil and the filter after every 30 000 km.
- In regular and automatic gearbox differentials we recommend changing oil after every 120 000 km.
The coolant should be changed every 2 years.
If the engine belt of your vehicle has been changed (together with the change of water pump), then usually the coolant is changed too – mostly so in the case of V-engines.
Brake fluid
Brake fluid should be changed every 2 years, where necessary (in case of increased urban driving) more frequently.
Power steering oil
Power steering oil should be changed every two years, where necessary more frequently.
In summary, regular maintenance increases the value of your car.
In case of possible problems contact Flameko immediately – early discovery of faults may save you from costly expenses later.
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* Recommendations are not intended as an absolute truth and place you under no obligation to follow them. Flameko will not be liable for damages that may result from following the recommendations.